まるごと+ 日本のことばと文化 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Leaning

MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language
and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture",
a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

Grammar Practice

たべものTabemono / Food

Choose the correct word.

  1. A:

    たべものは なにTabemono wa nani

    すきですか。suki desu ka.

    What foods do you like?



    すきです。suki desu.


    あまり すきじゃないです。amari sukijanai desu.

    I like fish. I don't really like meat.

  2. いつも あさごはんItsumo asa-gohan


    I always eat breakfast.

  3. こうちゃKoocha

    あまり のみません。amari nomimasen.

    I rarely drink tea.

  4. わたしは コーヒーをWatashi wa koohii o


    I often drink coffee.

  5. ホセさんは やさいはHose-san wa yasai wa


    Jose rarely eats vegetables.

  6. A:

    を たべますか。o tabemasu ka.

    What do you eat?


    ラーメンを たべます。Raamen o tabemasu.

    I eat ramen noodles.

Choose the correct word.

  1. パンと くだものをPan to kudamono o


    I eat bread and fruit.

  2. わたしは 肉は あまりWatashi wa niku wa amari


    I don't often eat meat.

  3. よく コーヒーをYoku koohii o


    Do you often drink coffee?

  4. わたしは ビールが すきです。ワインはWatashi wa biiru ga suki desu. Wain wa


    I like beer. I don't drink wine.

My family's breakfast.
Which one do they eat? Read the sentences and choose the correct picture.

  1. ちちは ごはんと みそしるが すきです。Chichi wa gohan to misoshiru ga suki desu.

    My father likes rice and miso soup.

    やさいも たべます。Yasai mo tabemasu.

    He also eats vegetables.

    くだものは あまり すきじゃないです。Kudamono wa amari sukijanai desu.

    He doesn't like fruit much.

  2. ははも ごはんと みそしるが すきです。Haha mo gohan to misoshiru ga suki desu.

    My mother likes rice and miso soup too.

    くだものも よく たべます。Kudamono mo yoku tabemasu.

    She often eats fruit.

    卵は あまり たべません。Tamago wa amari tabemasen.

    She rarely eat eggs.

    魚も よく たべます。Sakana mo yoku tabemasu.

    She often eats fish as well.

  3. わたしは いつも パンと 卵を たべます。Watashi wa itsumo pan to tamago o tabemasu.

    I always eat bread and eggs.

    コーヒーも のみます。Koohii mo nomimasu.

    I also drink coffee.

    ごはんは あまり たべません。Gohan wa amari tabemasen.

    I don't eat rice much.

    やさいも すきじゃないです。Yasai mo sukijanai desu.

    I don't like vegetables either.