まるごと+ 日本のことばと文化 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Leaning

MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language
and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture",
a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

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Period: Mar 10, 2025 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Japan time)

Grammar Practice

まちMachi / Town

Choose the correct word.

  1. A:



    のりますか。norimasu ka.

    Where do you board the subway?




    I get on at Sakura Station.
  2. うちUchi




    I go from my home to school by train.
  3. ホテルHoteru

    タクシー takushii

    おります。 orimasu.

    I get out of the taxi at the hotel.
  4. くうこうKuukoo

    バス basu

    いいです。 ii desu.

    It's best to go to the airport by bus.
  5. くうこうで ひこうきにKuukoo de hikooki ni


    At the airport I board the plane.
  6. がっこうまで あるいて Gakkoo made aruite


    I walk to school.

Complete the sentence. The pink blocks go in the __, the blue blocks go in the __.





べんりですBenri desu

やすいですYasui desu

はやいですHayai desu

らくですRaku desu

  1. A:

    さくらホテルまで どうやって いきますか。Sakura-Hoteru made doo yatte ikimasu ka.

    How do I get to Sakura Hotel?


    タクシーが いいですよ。べんりですから。Takushii ga ii desu yo. Benri desu kara.

    It's best to go by taxi. Because it's convenient.

    さくらホテルはSakura-Hoteru wa

    が いいです。ga ii desu.


    It's best to go to Sakura Hotel by taxi. Because it's convenient.
  2. A:

    みなみホールまで どうやって いきますか。Minami-Hooru made doo yatte ikimasu ka.

    How do I get to Minami Hall?


    バスが いいですよ。やすいですから。Basu ga ii desu yo. Yasui desu kara.

    It's best to go by bus. Because it's cheap.

    みなみホールはMinami-Hooru wa

    が いいです。ga ii desu.


    It's best to go to Minami Hall by bus. Because it's cheap.
  3. A:

    ふじえきまで どうやって いきますか。Fuji-eki made doo yatte ikimasu ka.

    How do I get to Fuji Station?


    じてんしゃが いいですよ。らくですから。Jitensha ga ii desu yo. Raku desu kara.

    It's best to go by bicycle. Because it's easy.

    ふじえきはFuji-eki wa

    が いいです。ga ii desu.


    It's best to go to Fuji Station by bicycle. Because it's easy.

The way from my house to school.
Look at the picture and if the sentence is correct, select ○, if the sentence is incorrect, select ×.

  1. みなみえきで バスに のります。Minami-eki de basu ni norimasu.

    I get on the bus at Minami Station.

  2. うちから みなみえきまで あるいて いきます。Uchi kara Minami-eki made aruite ikimasu.

    I walk from my home to Minami Station.

  3. にしえきで でんしゃを おります。Nishi-eki de densha o orimasu.

    I get off the train at Nishi Station.

  4. にしえきから がっこうまで でんしゃで いきます。Nishi-eki kara gakkoo made densha de ikimasu.

    I go from Nishi Station to school by train.