まるごと+ 日本のことばと文化 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Leaning

MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language
and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture",
a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

Grammar Practice

かいものKaimono / Shopping

Choose the correct word.

  1. きのう ほんを 3さつ Kinoo hon o san-satsu


    Yesterday I was given 3 books.
  2. あした ともだちと カラオケに Ashita tomodachi to karaoke ni


    Tomorrow I will go to karaoke with a friend.
  3. きょねん イタリアで かばんを Kyonen Itaria de kaban o


    Last year I bought a bag in Italy.

    くつは Kutsu wa


    I didn't buy shoes.
  4. きょねん わたしは ははKyonen watashi wa haha

    とけい tokee

    もらいました。 moraimashita.

    Last year I got a watch from my mother.
  5. すずきさんは カーラさんSuzuki-san wa Kaara-san

    はな hana

    あげます。 agemasu.

    Mr. Suzuki will give Carla some flowers.
  6. かっこいい くるまKakkoii kuruma

    ほしいです。 hoshii desu.

    I want a cool car.
  7. あにと あねAni to ane

    おみやげ omiyage

    あげました。 agemashita.

    I gave souvenirs to my elder brother and sister.

Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.

  1. Play

    リーさん、らいげつ たんじょうびですね。なにが ほしいですか。 Rii-san, raigetsu tanjoobi desu ne. Nani ga hoshii desu ka.

    Lee, it's your birthday next month, isn't it? What do you want?

  2. Play

    きれいな スカーフですね。だれに あげますか。 Kireena sukaafu desu ne. Dare ni agemasu ka.

    That's a pretty scarf! Who will you give it to?

  3. Play

    たんじょうびに なにを もらいましたか。Tanjoobi ni nani o moraimashita ka.

    What did you get for your birthday?

Look at the illustration and choose the correct word.

  1. わたしは たなかさんに ほんをWatashi wa Tanaka-san ni hon o


    I gave Mr. Tanaka a book.
  2. わたしは さとうさんに ケーキをWatashi wa Satoo-san ni keeki o


    I got a cake from Ms. Sato.
  3. すずきさんは カーラさんに とけいをSuzuki-san wa Kaara-san ni tokee o


    Mr. Suzuki gave Carla a watch.
  4. わたしは ちちに カメラをWatashi wa chichi ni kamera o


    I received a camera from my father.