まるごと+ 日本のことばと文化 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Leaning

MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language
and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture",
a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

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Period: Mar 10, 2025 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Japan time)

Grammar Practice

やすみのひ2Yasumi no hi 2 / Holidays and Days off 2

Choose the correct word.

  1. A:

    あした なにを しますか。Ashita nani o shimasu ka.

    What will you do tomorrow?


    いえで えいがを Ie de eega o


    I'll watch a movie at home.
  2. A:

    きのう 買いものに いきましたか。Kinoo kaimono ni ikimashita ka.

    Did you go shopping yesterday?




    No, I didn't go.
  3. A:

    ほんやで なにを 買いましたか。Hon'ya de nani o kaimashita ka.

    What did you buy at the bookshop?


    なにも Nani mo


    I didn't buy anything.
  4. わたしは よく おおさかに いきます。おおさかは とても Watashi wa yoku Oosaka ni ikimasu. Oosaka wa totemo


    I often go to Osaka. Osaka is really interesting.
  5. せんしゅう はなびを 見ました。はなびは Senshuu hanabi o mimashita. Hanabi wa


    Last week I saw fireworks. The fireworks were beautiful.

Listen to the question and choose the correct answer.

  1. Play

    なつやすみに どこに いきましたか。 Natsu-yasumi ni doko ni ikimashita ka.

    Where did you go during the summer holiday?

  2. Play

    とうきょうは どうでしたか。 Tookyoo wa doo deshita ka.

    How was Tokyo?

  3. Play

    きのう パーティーに いきましたか。Kinoo paathii ni ikimashita ka.

    Did you go to the party yesterday?

Complete the sentence.

しずかでしたshizuka deshita

おいしかったですoishikatta desu

たいへんでしたtaihen deshita

おもしろかったですomoshirokatta desu

  1. たんじょうびに パーティーを しました。ケーキはTanjoobi ni paathii o shimashita. Keeki wa


    I had a party on my birthday. The cake was delicious.
  2. ともだちと えいがを 見ました。Tomodachi to eega o mimashita.


    I watched a movie with my friend. It was interesting.
  3. りょこうに いきました。ホテルの へやはRyokoo ni ikimashita. Hoteru no heya wa


    I went on a trip. The hotel room was quiet.
  4. きのう 10時まで ざんぎょうしました。Kinoo juu-ji made zangyoo-shimashita.


    I worked overtime until 10 o'clock yesterday. It was tough.