Basic sentence
- かいしゃは 9じから 5じまでです。
- Kaisha wa ku-ji kara go-ji made desu.The company's working hours are 9 till 5.
- Used when talking about the starting and ending time of something.
N1 (Starting time) |
から | N2 (End time) |
まで | です。 |
- ①わたしの かいしゃは 9時から 5時半までです。
- Watashi no kaisha wa ku-ji kara go-ji-han made desu. My company's working hours are from nine o'clock to half-past five.
- ②わたしは 月よう日から 金よう日まで かいしゃに
いきます。 - Watashi wa getsuyoobi kara kin'yoobi made kaisha ni ikimasu. I go to work from Monday to Friday.
- ③A:がっこうは なんじから なんじまでですか。
- A: Gakkoo wa nan-ji kara nan-ji made desu ka. A: What time is school from and until?
- B:8時半から 3時までです。
- B: Hachi-ji-han kara san-ji made desu. B: From half-past eight to three o'clock.
- A. 「から」indicates that N1 is the starting point if N1 is a word that expresses time.
- B. 「まで」indicates that N2 is the ending point if N2 is a word that expresses time.