まるごと+ 日本のことばと文化 MARUGOTO Plus Japanese Leaning

MARUGOTO+ (MARUGOTO Plus) is a website where users can learn about Japanese language
and culture alongside the contents of "Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture",
a coursebook which uses the JF Standard as a basis.

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Period: Mar 10, 2025 from 10:00 to 12:00 (Japan time)

Communication Activities

  • TOPIC1 にほんご Nihongo/Japanese

    • Lesson1 Hello

      Exchange greetingsExchange greetings Read Japanese scriptsRead Japanese scripts
    • Lesson2 Would you say that again?

      Use basic classroom expressionsUse basic classroom expressions Write your name and country in JapaneseWrite your name and country in Japanese
  • TOPIC2 わたし Watashi/Myself

    • Lesson3 Nice to meet you

      Give a simple self introductionGive a simple self introduction Read a business cardRead a business card
    • Lesson4 There are three people in my family

      Talk briefly about your familyTalk briefly about your family Tell about your family, using a family photoTell about your family, using a family photo
  • TOPIC3 たべもの Tabemono/Food

    • Lesson5 What kind of food do you like?

      Talk about your favorite foodsTalk about your favorite foods Help somebody get a drinkHelp somebody get a drink Talk about your breakfastTalk about your breakfast
    • Lesson6 Where are you going to have lunch today?Lesson6 Where are you going to have lunch today?

      Say what your favorite dish isSay what your favorite dish is Talk with a friend about where to go for lunchTalk with a friend about where to go for lunch Read a menuRead a menu Order food and drinks at a hamburger shopOrder food and drinks at a hamburger shop
  • TOPIC4 いえ Ie/Home

    • Lesson7 There are three rooms in my home

      Say what kind of home you live inSay what kind of home you live in Say what you have in your homeSay what you have in your home Write an E-mail inviting someone to your homeWrite an E-mail inviting someone to your home
    • Lesson8 It’s a nice room

      Ask/Say where to put things in the roomAsk/Say where to put things in the room Visit/Welcome a friendVisit/Welcome a friend Show someone around your homeShow someone around your home Read the name and address on a signboardRead the name and address on a signboard
  • TOPIC5 せいかつ Seekatsu/Daily Life

    • Lesson9 What time do you get up?

      Tell the time you do somethingTell the time you do something Talk about your daily routineTalk about your daily routine
    • Lesson10 When is convenient for you?

      Talk about your schedule of this weekTalk about your schedule of this week Talk about when to have a partyTalk about when to have a party Write a birthday cardWrite a birthday card
  • TOPIC6 やすみのひ1 Yasumi no hi 1/Holidays and Days off 1

    • Lesson11 What’s your hobby?

      Talk about your hobbiesTalk about your hobbies Talk about what you do on your days offTalk about what you do on your days off
    • Lesson12 Shall we go together?

      Read posters and calendars for eventsRead posters and calendars for events Say whether or not you will attend an eventSay whether or not you will attend an event Talk about whether or not you can go out with your friendTalk about whether or not you can go out with your friend
  • TOPIC7 まち Machi/Town

    • Lesson13 How are you going to get there?

      Recognise station and taxi signsRecognise station and taxi signs Using a memo, tell a taxi driver your destinationUsing a memo, tell a taxi driver your destination Say how to get to a particular destinationSay how to get to a particular destination
    • Lesson14 It’s a famous temple

      Say how to get to a destination, using a mapSay how to get to a destination, using a map Say where you are now over the phoneSay where you are now over the phone Read noticeboards showing shop opening/closing timesRead noticeboards showing shop opening/closing times
  • TOPIC8 かいもの Kaimono/Shopping

    • Lesson15 Cute!

      Talk about what you want to buyTalk about what you want to buy Talk about where to shop for something you wantTalk about where to shop for something you want
    • Lesson16 I’ll take this

      Make a brief comment on things in a shopMake a brief comment on things in a shop Read pricesRead prices Do some shoppingDo some shopping
  • TOPIC9 やすみのひ2 Yasumi no hi 2/Holidays and Days off 2

    • Lesson17 It was fun

      Read a short blogRead a short blog Say what you did on holidaySay what you did on holiday Say briefly what you thought about your holidaySay briefly what you thought about your holiday Write a short blog about your holidayWrite a short blog gt;about your holiday
    • Lesson18 I would like to visit Kyoto next time

      Read a simple E-mailRead a simple E-mail Say what you did on your travelsSay what you did on your travels Say where you want to go next timeSay where you want to go next time
